Mark your calendars! New models added EVERY FRIDAY at 6:00 PM EST under "Recently Added" category!

Breyerfest 2022 Pickups Have Returned!

Breyerfest is being hosted by Breyer as a "hybrid" event, meaning that it is planned to have both an in-person AND virtual aspects!  I and my team will be attending IN PERSON and are very excited to bring home some spectacular models for you! 
If you are interested in participating in the VIRTUAL aspect of Breyerfest, I highly recommend that you check out the event information on the official Breyer website.  You will be able to snag you some lovely models via the virtual aspect (Celebration Model, the store limited editions etc) however the Special Runs (or Tent Specials) will be available only for in-person attendees per the information released by Breyer.  
Chelsea's Model Horses will however be offering a limited number of "pickups" for Breyerfest 2022 Exclusive models.  Many customers have found great value in my pickup service for the increased assurance that they will be able to receive the model(s) that they are hunting for.  
How it works: 
1-Reserve your spot on my list by placing a deposit (spots are limited, and once I'm full, I'm full!) This deposit will be sent back to you in the form of an e-gift card that you can use towards your model purchases/reservations. (I take care of purchasing tickets, so you don't have to worry about that!) 
2-As models are announced, those who have placed deposits will have first chance to reserve a model.  They are first come first served within the Pickup Group.  You can pay in full for each model as they are released, or opt for time payments, in which case the due date on all orders is June 26th.  (Time payments can pay at their convenience, as long as all payments are completed by June 26th)  It is important to understand that having a spot on my pickup group list does NOT guarantee that you will get the model you want-there is still a degree of luck/good timing/strategy involved with getting the models from Breyerfest, so please understand that while we do our best, it is not a 100% sure thing. 
3-Breyerfest time comes...I and my team work tirelessly to purchase the models you order!  
4-We travel home with the models...upon arrival home, we inventory models to ensure that we have a correct count on everything, and begin shipping to you!  I estimate that I will be packing orders to leave for their new homes around the end of July, likely within 14 days after the event. At this time, shipping cost will be billed to the exact cost including insurance on the package. 
5-That's it! I've worked to streamline the process to make it as easy as possible for you and me!  
Prices(these prices are generalizations):
Celebration Model with purchase of other Breyerfest Models-$50
Most Special Runs*-$140-160
Surprise Model*-$160 opened, $200 unopened
Traditional Store Specials*-$120-140 (it is highly recommended that you purchase an online ticket/pass directly from Breyer to purchase these models first-hand)
Crystals*-$90 (it is highly recommended that you purchase an online ticket/pass directly from Breyer to purchase these models first-hand)
Single Day Stablemates*-$30 each, or all 4 for $100 
*These ESTIMATED prices are based off of last year; if Breyer changes or increases prices, mine will adjust accordingly.

Surprise Models: For opened surprise models, I WILL open them, check for major flaws, and then ask my customers in the order that they ordered and paid in full, which model is their 1st, 2nd and 3rd color choice. This does NOT guarantee you your 1st color choice, however I have had great success offering pickups in this fashion. I do occasionally acquire glossy models in the SR lines, and in that case, they are offered to customers in the first come, first paid in full method. Something that I will stress, is that even if you are within the first 5 in the list, that DOES NOT guarantee that you will get a Glossy. IT IS LUCK OF THE DRAW. I can’t stress that enough…it is luck of the draw.

 For UNOPENED surprise models, they are simply that, UNOPENED. The risk involved with choosing this option is that there could be flaws. There is no return policy on these (or any pickups), so please accept the risk of flaws if you wish to purchase them unopened. Also, to clarify, in the last couple years Breyer has not sealed the SR bags, but only put a piece of tape across the opening. I want to assure you that I will not open bags that are meant to stay sealed.

 Variations within the Limited Edition or Special Run Models: With the release of the 2021 Breyerfest models having multiple rare variations, I feel the need to address my policy on this...although there is no guarantee that Breyer will offer these "micro runs" again, I will have a policy in place. In the event that there are "micro runs" (I will consider this to be anything less than a 50/50 split of the run), please understand that you will be getting the originally advertised version of the models, not the micro run.

In the event that there are 50/50 splits within a Special Run being offered (e.g. matte/glossy, mane/tail variations, etc), I will accept requests of which variation you prefer, and do my best to allocate models to their new homes in the order that they were paid in full.
I understand that my policy concerning micro runs may not please everyone, however last year I did my best to fairly allocate the special micro run models that I received, and despite my efforts, I received several unhappy emails, from clients who were upset at not receiving a "special" model, despite my efforts.

Refunds-Refunds are NOT offered.  Should you cancel your order, you will not receive any refunds.  I purchase tickets soon after they are released, and those are non-refundable, so should you back out, unfortunately I can't offer any refunds.  HOWEVER, in the event that I am not able to obtain your model, you WILL get a quick and full refund, OR equal substitution model.  It will be your choice between refund and substitute.  This is the only time that I will offer full refund, if I can't uphold my end.   
Swapping Models on your List/Canceling models-I am not able to swap or cancel models once you reserve them for your account.  Please be certain that you want the model when you choose to order it.  
PIF OR TIME PAYMENTS?-Paid in full is preferred, however time payments are available.  How does time payments work?  If you wish to order a model on time payments, you must first place a deposit, and then EMAIL me with the model that you wish to order.  (only one deposit is required per do not need to place a deposit per model)  An invoice for the time payment model will be sent to you, and payment must be made by June 26th at the latest, NO EXCEPTIONS.  Any orders that are not paid in full for any reason by the deadline will be cancelled, and no refunds will be given.  
References-I am able to provide a great many references from clients who have used my services in the past.  I understand that it can be a scary undertaking, placing a pre-order, so if you would like some references, just ask! You can also always search the reference boards for my shop name, and let the reviews speak for themselves.  :)  I pride myself on offering a great service that so many in the hobby have come to rely on.  
Thank you for reading, and I look forward to helping my clients score some pretty ponies in 2022!