Mark your calendars! New models added EVERY FRIDAY at 6:00 PM EST under "Recently Added" category!

Freight Problems/Upcoming Surcharge

Hey everyone! Hope you are all having a good weekend! I have some important information to share....
All Reeves (Breyer) dealers were informed this last week that any orders processed or placed (including backorders that we dealers have on file) would incur an 8% surcharge to help cover the rising costs of freight/shipping for product.
In short, unfortunately this means that not only will we continue to see delays (that are out of our control) for getting new product in, but also that some changes will need to be made to my prices to ensure that I'm able to continue operating.
I've given this a bit of thought, and my plan is this:
ANY backorders/pre orders that have been placed up till now will of course be honored, and no price adjustments will be made
On September 12th, I will begin adjusting the prices of "new" items that are supplied directly from Reeves (Breyer). Just to be clear, any items that I have offered that came from collection purchases will not be affected, only items that are directly supplied and ordered from Breyer.
This SHOULD be a temporary surcharge, and will hopefully be eliminated when/if the freight prices drop back down.
My hope is that by delaying increasing my prices to cover the surcharge, that it will give the majority of my customers the chance to make some purchases at the lower prices, so as to not be such a burden on you. I'm very sorry that this has to be enacted...
Finally, with all the delays in shipping and receiving product, I highly recommend doing Holiday shopping early this year, to help ensure that your items arrive in time...
Thank you all for your understanding, and know that I'll continue to keep you informed of any other changes...thank you all!