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Mid Year Release Update AND Breyerfest Pickups Update!

Hey ya'll!  This summer has certainly been an interesting and exciting one! So many pretty ponies have been announced, and I for one am SUPER excited to get them in stock (and on my own shelves hehe)

Mid Year Release Update-As of July 27th, I am still waiting for my Mid Year models to be shipped from Breyer...unfortunately this year has provided many many difficulties with the freight shipments of getting models to the Breyer warehouse, and it sounds like the Mid Years got caught in the inevitable delays.  That said, I have been told by my customer service reps that they are looking to ship "soon".  As always, as soon as I receive my shipment, I will begin packing and shipping to their new homes!  I appreciate your patience as we wait for these pretties to land here at the shop.  :) 


Breyerfest Pickups Update-Breyer begin packing orders on July 26th, so now we are just waiting for our pretty ponies to appear on our door steps!  As soon as they arrive, I will begin sorting/packing the pre order "pickups" and getting them out the door!  Once the packing/shipping is complete, I will be uploading any extra ponies onto my website for purchase!  I can't wait to share with you the pretty extras that I was able to snag! 


Old Glory Pre-Orders-These models are expected to ship to dealers in September--As soon as they arrive, I'll get them out the door!  :) 

Holiday 2021 Models/Ornaments-These models are expected to ship to dealers in September--As soon as they arrive, I'll get them out the door! :)